March 12, 2025
Ecclesiastes 3:16
I saw something else under the sun: in the place of justice, there was wickedness; and in the place of what was right, there was wickedness again!
I thought to myself, God will judge both righteous and wicked people, because there’s a time for every matter and every deed.
I also thought, where human beings are concerned, God tests them to show them that they are but animals because human beings and animals share the same fate.
One dies just like the other—both have the same life-breath. Humans are no better off than animals because everything is pointless. All go to the same place; all are from the dust; all return to the dust.
O God,
we thank you
that there is nothing new under the sun,
things that have been continue to be.
We thank you,
O Lord God,
that you are the judge
of both the righteous and the wicked.
We know
that there is nothing that happens in the spirit realm,
in the physical realm, in the emotional realm
that you are not fully aware of.
And even though sometimes
we think that we are so much—
that we are everything to all people.
We even think more highly of ourselves than we ought.
But this scripture reminds us
that we are just like the animals.
We, too, die the same death
and we have the same fate.
Help us to live
making a positive difference in the lives of others
so that when we die, you will say to us,
"Well done, good and faithful servant!”
As we prepare to return to the place of dust,
let us not live wicked and evil lives,
but let us live lives of joy,
and compassion for others
that we might make a difference for the Kingdom
and that you would be pleased.
Lord, we bless you today.
We give you thanks today
because you are good
and you are righteous
and you are just.
We thank you and we praise you
in Jesus’ name.