March 11, 2025

Genesis 2:5-8
Before any wild plants appeared on the earth, and before any field crops grew, because the LORD God hadn’t yet sent rain on the earth and there was still no human being to farm the fertile land, though a stream rose from the earth and watered all of the fertile land—the LORD God formed the human from the topsoil of the fertile land and blew life’s breath into his nostrils. The human came to life. The LORD God planted a garden in Eden in the east and put there the human he had formed. 

God we thank you that we matter!

That our lives matter.

That we are valued by you!

You are the God of the entire universe.

Yet, yet, yet, you took the time to stop
and scoop up fertile soil and form your creation.

And then you breathed the breath of life,
the breath of God into our nostrils!

We matter, because you said so…

We matter and we are loved
and we are valued
because you took the time to nurture us
and care for us
and walk with us and to be with us.

So, no matter what happens,
O God, we are not afraid
because we walk
with the God of the universe!

Thank you for another day’s journey today.
And we pray in faith and thanksgiving
in the name of your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ.



March 12, 2025


March 10, 2025